Ji Nie's Research Group

Ji Nie (聂绩)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
School of Physics, Peking University,
Beijing, China
(CV), (简历) (updated 2019.06)
Email: jinie at pku dot edu dot cn
Office: RM546, School of Physics,
Peking University
2005 Peking University B.S.
2008 Peking University M.S.
2013 Harvard University Ph.D
Professional Experience
2013.9-2013.12 Postdoctoral, Harvard University (advisor: Zhiming Kuang)
2013.12-2017.8 Postdoctoral, Columbia University (advisor: Adam H. Sobel)
2017.8-2023.7 Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Peking University
2023.8-present Associate Professor (tenured), Peking University
2013 Lamont-Doherty Fellowship
2017 Young Oversea Outstanding Scholar
2018 Boya Young Scholar, Peking University
2019 Major Research Progress Award(2nd prize), Peking University
2021 Young Faculty Teaching Award (2nd prize and most popular with students), Peking University
2022 Shue-Yan Teaching Award, Peking University
Academic Activity
AOGS Atmospheric Sciences section (secretary, 2022-present)
IAMAS-CNC Young Scientist working group (committee member, 2021-present)
WWRP-CNC Young Scientist working group (co-chair, 2020-present)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
School of Physics, Peking University,
Beijing, China
(CV), (简历) (updated 2019.06)
Email: jinie at pku dot edu dot cn
Office: RM546, School of Physics,
Peking University
2005 Peking University B.S.
2008 Peking University M.S.
2013 Harvard University Ph.D
Professional Experience
2013.9-2013.12 Postdoctoral, Harvard University (advisor: Zhiming Kuang)
2013.12-2017.8 Postdoctoral, Columbia University (advisor: Adam H. Sobel)
2017.8-2023.7 Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Peking University
2023.8-present Associate Professor (tenured), Peking University
2013 Lamont-Doherty Fellowship
2017 Young Oversea Outstanding Scholar
2018 Boya Young Scholar, Peking University
2019 Major Research Progress Award(2nd prize), Peking University
2021 Young Faculty Teaching Award (2nd prize and most popular with students), Peking University
2022 Shue-Yan Teaching Award, Peking University
Academic Activity
AOGS Atmospheric Sciences section (secretary, 2022-present)
IAMAS-CNC Young Scientist working group (committee member, 2021-present)
WWRP-CNC Young Scientist working group (co-chair, 2020-present)