Organization of Conference sessions
Aug. 2022, Organizer of the 4th (2022) Mesoscale Meteorology Conference (Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China)
Aug. 2022, convener of the 19th AOGS meeting, session AS15: Mid- latitude Cyclones: linking mesoscale to climate, and session AS35: Idealized Frameworks, Modeling, and Observations to Understand Moist Convective Processes at Various Scales (virtual)
Nov. 2021, Organizer of the international workshop: Towards carbon-neutral sustainable development in China (Wenzhou, Fujian, China)
Aug. 2021, convener of the 18th AOGS meeting, session AS26: Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate, (virtual)
Dec. 2020, convener of the 2020 AGU Fall meeting, session A082: Linking Clouds, Convection and Circulation: Insights from Models, Theory and Observations, San Francisco, CA
Jun. 2020, main convener of the 17th AOGS meeting, session AS26: Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate, Hongcheon, Korea (canceled due to COV-19)
Dec. 2019, main convener of the 2019 AGU Fall meeting, session A089: Linking Clouds, Convection and Circulation: Insights from Models, Theory and Observations, San Francisco, CA
Jul. 2019, main convener of the 16th AOGS meeting, session AS06: Convection and Its Effects on Weather and Climate, Singapore
Dec. 2017, convener of the 2017 AGU Fall meeting, session A43J: Extratropical Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Variability, New Orleans, LA
Aug. 2022, Organizer of the 4th (2022) Mesoscale Meteorology Conference (Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China)
Aug. 2022, convener of the 19th AOGS meeting, session AS15: Mid- latitude Cyclones: linking mesoscale to climate, and session AS35: Idealized Frameworks, Modeling, and Observations to Understand Moist Convective Processes at Various Scales (virtual)
Nov. 2021, Organizer of the international workshop: Towards carbon-neutral sustainable development in China (Wenzhou, Fujian, China)
Aug. 2021, convener of the 18th AOGS meeting, session AS26: Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate, (virtual)
Dec. 2020, convener of the 2020 AGU Fall meeting, session A082: Linking Clouds, Convection and Circulation: Insights from Models, Theory and Observations, San Francisco, CA
Jun. 2020, main convener of the 17th AOGS meeting, session AS26: Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate, Hongcheon, Korea (canceled due to COV-19)
Dec. 2019, main convener of the 2019 AGU Fall meeting, session A089: Linking Clouds, Convection and Circulation: Insights from Models, Theory and Observations, San Francisco, CA
Jul. 2019, main convener of the 16th AOGS meeting, session AS06: Convection and Its Effects on Weather and Climate, Singapore
Dec. 2017, convener of the 2017 AGU Fall meeting, session A43J: Extratropical Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Variability, New Orleans, LA
Conference presentations
Aug. 2022, 第四届全国中尺度气象学论坛 (杭州)
Jul. 2022, 气象学会青年科学家论坛 (长沙)
Dec. 2021, Annual Meeting of IAP-LASG (Beijing, China) (invited)
Nov. 2021, Workshop “Towards carbon-neutral sustainable development in China” (Wenzhou, China) (invited)
May. 2021, the 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, (virtual)
Apr. 2021, The European Geosciences Union (EGU) annual meeting (virtual)
Jan. 2021, the 101st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, (virtual)
Dec. 2020, The 2020 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (virtual)
Nov. 2020, 气象学会青年科学家论坛, (福州)
Dec. 2019, 第二届全国中尺度气象学论坛, 厦门: A convective model for precipitation extremes: interpretation, intercomparison, and improvement (oral presentation)
Dec. 2019, the 2019 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Dynamic Amplification of Extreme Precipitation Sensitivity (invited talk)
Aug. 2019, 气象学会青年科学家论坛, 青岛: A Global Quasi-Geostrophic Diagnosis of Extratropical Extreme Precipitation (oral presentation) (invited talk)
Jul. 2019, the 16th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Singapore: Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation), Similarity among atmospheric thermal stratifications over elevated surfaces under Radiative-Convective Equilibrium (oral presentation)
Jun. 2019, the 3rd international workshop of the Severe Weather International Consortium, Peking University, Beijing(北京): Regional characteristics of extreme precipitation (oral presentation)
May. 2019, Symposium on Climate and Environment, Peking University, Beijing(北京): Toward a deeper understanding of climate changes of extreme precipitation (oral presentation)
Apr. 2019, the 14th workshop on East Asian Climate, Hong Kong(香港): Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation)
Jan. 2019, the 99th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ: Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation)
Dec. 2018, Annual Meeting of IAP-LASG, Beijing(北京): A moist entropy budget view of the South Asian summer monsoon onset (invited talk)
Nov. 2018, Annual Meeting of the Key Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather of Nanjing University, Nanjing(南京),Jiangsu: Climatic Responses Of Extreme Precipitation (invited talk)
Oct. 2018, the 2018 Chinese Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Hefei(合肥), Anhui: 一个新的基于随机夹卷的浅对流参数化模型 (oral presentation); 极端降雨的气候响应 (invited talk)
Oct. 2018, Workshop "Atmospheric Sciences across the Straits", Taipei(台北): Climatic Responses Of Extreme Precipitation (oral presentation)
May 2018, Workshop "frontier of climate dynamics", Shiyan(十堰), Hubei: 极端降雨的气候响应 (oral presentation)
Mar. 2018, Monash University workshop "Understanding and Modelling Atmospheric Processes", Lorne, Australia: Does extreme precipitation scaling follow CC scaling? (oral presentation)
Sept. 2017, the 5th nonlinearly atmospheric-ocenaic dynamics workshop, Wuhan(武汉), Hubei: 极端降雨中的大尺度-对流相互作用 (oral presentation)
Dec. 2016, the 2016 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Enhanced Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes on Surface Temperature in the 2015 Texas Flood (poster presentation)
Dec. 2016, Columbia University Workshop “S2S extremes”, New York, NY: Enhanced Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes on Surface Temperature in the 2015 Texas Flood (poster presentation)
Apr. 2016, East China Normal University "Overseas Young Geographers Forum", Shanghai(上海): Numerical simulation on extreme precipitation events (oral presentation)
Sept. 2015, Columbia University Workshop "Monsoons & ITCZ: the annual cycle in the Holocene and the Future", New York, NY: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (poster presentation)
Jun. 2015, the 20th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (oral presentation)
May 2015, California Institute of Technology workshop “Monsoons — Past, Present and Future”, Pasadena, CA: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (oral presentation)
Apr. 2015, Yale University workshop “Tropical extremes: A workshop on high-impact weather events in monsoon regions”, New Haven, CT: the dynamics of extreme precipitation events in Northern Pakistan during monsoon seasons −− a new modeling framework and its applications (oral presentation)
Jan. 2015, the 95th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ: Responses of tropical convection to the QBO: cloud resolving simulations and observations (oral presentation)
Apr. 2014, the 31th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA: Representing effects of aqueous-phase reactions in shallow cumuli in global models (oral presentation)
Jan. 2014, University of Hawaii workshop “Tropical Dynamics and the MJO”, Honolulu, HI: A new multi-plume convective model based on buoyancy sorting (oral presentation)
May 2013, the 6th Northeast Tropical Workshop, Rensselaerville, NY: The Role of In-Cloud Heterogeneity in Nonlinear Chemistry (oral presentation)
Dec. 2012, the 2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Beyond bulk entrainment and detrainment rates: a new framework for diagnosing mixing in cumulus convection (oral presentation)
Apr., 2012, the 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL: Probing the Response of Convection to Large-scale Temperature Anomalies with a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (oral presentation)
Jun. 2011, the 18th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Spokane, WA: Understanding the Response of Shallow Convection to Perturbations using LES and a Stochastic Parcel Model (poster presentation)
May 2011, the 5th Northeast Tropical Workshop, Dedham, MA: The Response of Shallow Convection to Temperature Perturbations (oral presentation)
May 2010, the 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Tucson, AZ: Observational Evaluation of a Convective Quasi-Equilibrium View of Monsoons (oral presentation)
Aug. 2022, 第四届全国中尺度气象学论坛 (杭州)
Jul. 2022, 气象学会青年科学家论坛 (长沙)
Dec. 2021, Annual Meeting of IAP-LASG (Beijing, China) (invited)
Nov. 2021, Workshop “Towards carbon-neutral sustainable development in China” (Wenzhou, China) (invited)
May. 2021, the 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, (virtual)
Apr. 2021, The European Geosciences Union (EGU) annual meeting (virtual)
Jan. 2021, the 101st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, (virtual)
Dec. 2020, The 2020 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (virtual)
Nov. 2020, 气象学会青年科学家论坛, (福州)
Dec. 2019, 第二届全国中尺度气象学论坛, 厦门: A convective model for precipitation extremes: interpretation, intercomparison, and improvement (oral presentation)
Dec. 2019, the 2019 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Dynamic Amplification of Extreme Precipitation Sensitivity (invited talk)
Aug. 2019, 气象学会青年科学家论坛, 青岛: A Global Quasi-Geostrophic Diagnosis of Extratropical Extreme Precipitation (oral presentation) (invited talk)
Jul. 2019, the 16th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Singapore: Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation), Similarity among atmospheric thermal stratifications over elevated surfaces under Radiative-Convective Equilibrium (oral presentation)
Jun. 2019, the 3rd international workshop of the Severe Weather International Consortium, Peking University, Beijing(北京): Regional characteristics of extreme precipitation (oral presentation)
May. 2019, Symposium on Climate and Environment, Peking University, Beijing(北京): Toward a deeper understanding of climate changes of extreme precipitation (oral presentation)
Apr. 2019, the 14th workshop on East Asian Climate, Hong Kong(香港): Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation)
Jan. 2019, the 99th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ: Synoptic characteristics of extreme precipitation events in East China and Southeast United States (oral presentation)
Dec. 2018, Annual Meeting of IAP-LASG, Beijing(北京): A moist entropy budget view of the South Asian summer monsoon onset (invited talk)
Nov. 2018, Annual Meeting of the Key Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather of Nanjing University, Nanjing(南京),Jiangsu: Climatic Responses Of Extreme Precipitation (invited talk)
Oct. 2018, the 2018 Chinese Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Hefei(合肥), Anhui: 一个新的基于随机夹卷的浅对流参数化模型 (oral presentation); 极端降雨的气候响应 (invited talk)
Oct. 2018, Workshop "Atmospheric Sciences across the Straits", Taipei(台北): Climatic Responses Of Extreme Precipitation (oral presentation)
May 2018, Workshop "frontier of climate dynamics", Shiyan(十堰), Hubei: 极端降雨的气候响应 (oral presentation)
Mar. 2018, Monash University workshop "Understanding and Modelling Atmospheric Processes", Lorne, Australia: Does extreme precipitation scaling follow CC scaling? (oral presentation)
Sept. 2017, the 5th nonlinearly atmospheric-ocenaic dynamics workshop, Wuhan(武汉), Hubei: 极端降雨中的大尺度-对流相互作用 (oral presentation)
Dec. 2016, the 2016 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Enhanced Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes on Surface Temperature in the 2015 Texas Flood (poster presentation)
Dec. 2016, Columbia University Workshop “S2S extremes”, New York, NY: Enhanced Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes on Surface Temperature in the 2015 Texas Flood (poster presentation)
Apr. 2016, East China Normal University "Overseas Young Geographers Forum", Shanghai(上海): Numerical simulation on extreme precipitation events (oral presentation)
Sept. 2015, Columbia University Workshop "Monsoons & ITCZ: the annual cycle in the Holocene and the Future", New York, NY: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (poster presentation)
Jun. 2015, the 20th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (oral presentation)
May 2015, California Institute of Technology workshop “Monsoons — Past, Present and Future”, Pasadena, CA: Modeling interactions between the quasi-geostrophic vertical motion and convection in a single column (oral presentation)
Apr. 2015, Yale University workshop “Tropical extremes: A workshop on high-impact weather events in monsoon regions”, New Haven, CT: the dynamics of extreme precipitation events in Northern Pakistan during monsoon seasons −− a new modeling framework and its applications (oral presentation)
Jan. 2015, the 95th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ: Responses of tropical convection to the QBO: cloud resolving simulations and observations (oral presentation)
Apr. 2014, the 31th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA: Representing effects of aqueous-phase reactions in shallow cumuli in global models (oral presentation)
Jan. 2014, University of Hawaii workshop “Tropical Dynamics and the MJO”, Honolulu, HI: A new multi-plume convective model based on buoyancy sorting (oral presentation)
May 2013, the 6th Northeast Tropical Workshop, Rensselaerville, NY: The Role of In-Cloud Heterogeneity in Nonlinear Chemistry (oral presentation)
Dec. 2012, the 2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA: Beyond bulk entrainment and detrainment rates: a new framework for diagnosing mixing in cumulus convection (oral presentation)
Apr., 2012, the 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL: Probing the Response of Convection to Large-scale Temperature Anomalies with a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (oral presentation)
Jun. 2011, the 18th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Spokane, WA: Understanding the Response of Shallow Convection to Perturbations using LES and a Stochastic Parcel Model (poster presentation)
May 2011, the 5th Northeast Tropical Workshop, Dedham, MA: The Response of Shallow Convection to Temperature Perturbations (oral presentation)
May 2010, the 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Tucson, AZ: Observational Evaluation of a Convective Quasi-Equilibrium View of Monsoons (oral presentation)